Saturday, November 29, 2008

11/25 Class

Today, class started out with going over updates as to when our final projects, reading guides, and quizzes are due. We then went over our reading guides, which helped to clear up many of the questions I was unsure about. I feel more prepared to submit my reading guide and take the quiz. Next, we did a lab that taught us about several sound activities. We used a tuning fork by hitting it on a wood block and then touching the fork to different objects. The most interesting object was a ping pong ball taped to a string. We also held it to the edge of a piece of paper and put it in a cup of water. The next activity we did included us putting the tuning fork to our ears to hear what it sounds like, and then we held a long tube over our ears and then held the tuning fork at the end to hear a change in the sound. We also put different amounts of water in glass bottles and were to line them up from highest to lowest pitch. We tapped on the bottles with a wooden mallot. This activity was fun because the bottles were like instruments. I found today's activities to be the most fun lab that we have done so far. I think students in our future classroom's would really enjoy this lab because everything is hands on and easy to understand the concepts.

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