Thursday, September 25, 2008

NSTA Web Seminar

Instead of class today we enrolled ourselves into a NSTA web seminar about Astrology. It was really interesting to use Elluminate technology as a classroom; I felt like I was actually in class and was able to ask questions, reply to questions, and engage in converstation with the others in the seminar. It was neat to be learning with others from all over the U.S., there was even a woman from Australia. I learned more about stars in this one session than I have probably learned in my whole life. I learned that stars are massive hot glowing balls of gas and are made up of 70 to 80% hydrogen. We were shown pictures of stars forming, learned about high and low mass stars, and were shown simulation videos. All of the material that we were shown was really interesting and informative. We were also given the links so that we can see them again and possibly show future students. At the end of the seminar we were offered a list of web resources that could be very useful to learn about science and to relay that knowledge onto students. They inluded videos, lesson plans, and much more relating to the field. The web seminar was a new and interesting experience for me and I plan on attending more of them!

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